Page of Cups Spell
Under the sea,
I'm so happy to be!
Nothing can make me feel weighty.
There are no sharks in these waters.
I'm not only a daughter.
I'm not up for the slaughter.
I'm just crafting my creativity.
I dance and play the whole day.
I make and shake my body quake.
I don't listen to anyone's rules
because I'm lost in my own schools.
I revel in the moment
according to what I emote
and to what I devote.
I love to sugar-coat!
This world's fantastic
as long as it's elastic;
but, it's pretty terrible
if it can't be bendable.
But, I'm fluid, I'm liquid,
I'm thinking, I'm drinking.
I'm attune to all that's squid.
I'll ink you and maybe sink you
if you push me to my brink, too.
I'm sensitive and squishy,
a little washy with my wishy.
My open heart is always aware
that it's beating and bare.
Inside my guts, my beak's ready to tear;
but, it's a secret that I probably won't share.
Unless the bravest of brave make a dare.
My water is so deep
and the friends I keep, unique.
But the cost I pay is steep
if I don't sow what I reap.
I'm a happy surprise if I get what I want,
but if I don't then my misery just might haunt.
I'm quick to cry, laugh, pout or ask why;
but the magic around me, I can always espy.
I always feel and sometimes weirdly
but mostly I can see things endearedly.
Come, play with me, and let's put on a show
that upon our audience we will bestow
a gift that keeps on giving a glow
until everyone's last breath is a blow.
Under the sea,
I'm so happy to be!
My soul's brimming with wonder and mystery.
Full cups I will always see,
even if they're completely empty.
Full cups, I will always see,
even if they’re completely empty.

The path of Cups is still moving onward with its first Court card, The Page of Cups. The child of emotions, creativity, and dreams, she can represent you, another adult who’s exhibiting these traits, or an actual child in your life. She can symbolize new creative opportunities, a chance to kindle some dreams into reality, or a time to lose yourself in something special.
Astrological Sign Affiliation: Cancer
You appreciate the wonder and beauty in the world. You live in your own dreams. You are a giant squid and you’ve created a fanciful scene around you, full of magic and happiness. You fantasize about all that makes you content and create that world around you if the natural world doesn’t behave that way. Playful and full of life, you act according to your feelings, positively or negatively. Usually giggly and cheerful, you stay that way so long as you’re getting what you want. If you find yourself questioning things too deeply, you might get a little depressed that the world contains something other than joy. Your shadow self can be too emotional, flipping from ecstatic to sorrowful in an instant, if you’re not around the people that are free and unrestrained like you. You can be sentimental or sensitive, putting too much emphasis on the feelings of yourself and the people and things around you. You might try to make others happy which can cause you great turmoil if they don’t allow you the effort. You’re extremely intuitive to the state of the world, but also don’t like to get bogged down with anything negative. You can be immature if you’re not flexible in your thoughts and if the players in your life aren’t fulfilling their appropriate roles. If someone upsets you, you’ll squirt a cloud of tears and run away. You are the most entertaining playmate, able to find fun and excitement in virtually any situation. You almost seem other-worldly, knowing the depths of the ocean and the stretches of the farthest cosmos in ways others have never even pondered. You love every creature, being, and soul in the universe and just want to show that every single second to anyone who will listen. You are almost insanely optimistic and try to help everyone that surrounds you to see the beauty, happiness, and good that you believe exists in each of us. Don’t get too consumed with trying to control all the players in your life that they don’t want to be part of your production anymore. In your strongest version of self, the little ghosts of your past are merely a string of characters in the chorus of your ultimate dress-up scene; when in your weakest version of self, you allow them to haunt you with their sorrow. Make the choice who’s the star of the show here: you or your past…
Eight’s Insight:
Dysfunctional Family Role(s): The Mascot, The Clown, The Lost Child, The Dreamer, The Loner
When Page of Cups is part of an unhealthy family dynamic, you might find yourself falling into a familial role, even if you don’t know it. You’ll turn inwards and avoid any conflict, hiding in your room with books and toys. Or, you’ll be lost in the forest getting amazed at a butterfly’s gossamer wings. If you’re not playing The Dreamer or The Lost Child, you’ll joke around and keep things humorous when the rest of the family is fighting. You might attempt to keep things light because inside your mind it can get heavy if you allow yourself to go there. You can vacillate pretty quickly between white and black with not much gray or pull out the dramatics if you don’t like something that’s happening. You can be a control freak if others push you into places you don’t want to be or if you feel distrustful about them. You feel lonely in a family where there’s not much outward emotion and love and that leaves you with an emptiness that can’t be filled unless you make family out of friends. You love your family deeply, but will not tolerate their unkind antics but still find yourself getting toxic traits the more time you spend with them. However, there is a deep emotional welling inside your soul no amount of family dysfunction could ever inhibit. You’ll always stay true to your intuition and sense of purity and instinctive action. Remember that you’ll need time to be alone in your vast imaginary world or you could become quite angry and take out that unhappiness on those around you. Don’t go against your nature. Keep the forever child inside you that sees the light. Don’t let this cruel world dim it for you. But also, allow yourself to feel the entire span of your emotions or you might just stay an unhappy cephalopod who doesn’t reach the depths of the ocean.