IX of Cups

Swingin' in the rain, just swingin' in the rain.
Oh, what a fabulous feeling, just feeling no pain.
I notice those ominous clouds up above,
but they don't have me worried because all I feel is love.

Swingin' in the rain, just swingin' in the rain.
Oh, what a wondrous wonder to have so much to gain.
I remember all the tumultuous thunder in my brain,
but now I'm the queen and this is my reign.

With each little mist, I'm so thrilled I'm kissed.
With each little drop, my smiles can't stop.
My laughter is pealing, and I'm feeling tip-top.
The ups and downs aren't coming around,
and this comfort of calm is newfound.
It's so appealing that I'm about to pop.

The warmth of the beams are endless it seems;
and the wish I'm making is the biggest of dreams.
I've found my purpose, my life's opus, supreme:
love of family, self, above and below,
sharing my story to all, known and unknown.

Swingin' in the rain, just swingin' in the rain.
Oh, what a delightful day to celebrate, to attain.
I can, I will, I shall stay here, remain.
For I'm having such fun, swingin' and singin' in the rain.

Nine is where things are almost tied up into a bow of some sort and you’ve almost received your gift. In the suit of cups, it’s been mostly a positive journey and this card might be one of the happiest in the whole deck besides The Sun. Everything is falling into its correct place. You’ve accepted that you need sadness to feel happiness. You need the rain and sun to have the rainbow. Rain makes pretty things grow. The tough emotions bring us growth. Growth leads us to understanding and appreciating life’s blessings, whether we happened upon them, worked hard for them or even made a special wish for the universe to give us our gifts that have been hiding under all of that self-doubt. When we start to see the beauty within ourselves the whole world seems so much brighter. We’re able to recognize the good in the world a little more when we practice gratitude. Feeling the mist of the rain and thinking of it as a sweet kiss instead of ruining our park visit, we change our outlook on the universe. Positivity begets positivity. Feeling abundance and fulfillment all around you and appreciating all you already have will just bring more things to you. Like attracts like. after all. What do you want to attract into your life with your honest intention and manifestation? Who do you want to surround you? What paradise are you creating for yourself? Taking care of yourself and celebrating the wonder that is you is the best way to get on the surest path to success.

Eight’s Insight: When you’ve been taught that you have no worth, you will continue to see lack all around you. The inner voice feeds on whatever you give it the most. Are you feeding a vampire, a ghost, a troll? Why not treat yourself to the pleasantries in life: a warm bubble bath, a puddle jump, a hot cup of cocoa, a book in a nook. Whatever makes you feel like whistling and singing with joy is what you should be doing. If that’s not your thing, that’s okay, too. Whatever is the most you is what you should be doing the most of in life. You are worthy of being happy and having your biggest dreams come true. The only trick to a wish coming true is you already need to think it’s true. It’s okay to speak sweetly to yourself and be kind even if you weren’t shown that kindness when you needed it the most. Let that resentment get purified by the sun and let it fill you up with warmth instead of cold.