Ace of Cups Spell
New moon, new swoon, I’m all abloom.
I’m inviting this enticing warmth into my stillroom.
A pitter-patter of love’s clatter
shatters old patterns,
breaking through the tatters
of what doesn’t serve.
I’m anew; I’m alight,
on this night of delight.
There’s no more plight.
It no longer resides in my chest, tight.
This concoction I’ve bottled
was brewed then stewed,
but never neglected nor coddled.
It just grew and grew.
I’ve been patient and kind,
minding my time,
biding my mind,
until my potion of emotion is: sublime!
My heart’s in my throat;
I’ve got a new anecdote.
This is my antidote!
I’m all a flitter.
My heart’s in a skitter
from the idea of new love.
So, I release my creation,
with courage and elation.
I’ll never again hide me
or the love that’s inside me.
I'm finally alive, see?
I can feel any emotions that reside, freely,
not just the feelings that you made for me.
I can unmask and let go
of the ghosts and shadows
that still try to strangle me, tangle me,
in front of me.
I forgive you; hear my plea:
Let me be.
On this darkened night,
I share with the world.
My soul’s uncurled.
It’s unfurled!
May it shoot out
its spark and light!
The Ace of Cups brings about a deep spiritual connection to the universe, to others, and yourself. All aces deal with the start of something. The suit of Cups involves love, emotions, creativity, and how we see our bond to the universe. This card marks the emergence of something exciting, fresh, and passionate like a new love, a well-matched platonic relationship, a new project, a child on the way, or a special chance at deeper self-love.
Eight’s Advice: With the heaviness of your past, sometimes you can disassociate with yourself, others, and the world. When you see the Ace of Cups in a reading, you should open yourself up to the idea of being open. Allow yourself to see how strong and brave being vulnerable can be unlike when you were vulnerable when you had past trauma. There’s a risk in taking a chance and showing the shadow side of yourself to others. It’s okay to go after what you really want, whether it’s a new relationship, job, or finally becoming the best version of yourself you can be. If you can’t seem to get past a block in any of these areas, you might need to cut off all contact with that inner critic that doesn’t serve you. You’ll be able to level up within yourself and move on completely.