Standing on sand in the middle of water I stay calm and still even if the waves bother. Some days I'm carrying the weight of my mother and father, but I keep present with you, sons and daughter.
Flashing my feathers and my dashing leathers, I dance and I prance but maintain a balanced stance.
I can do this routine with my eyes closed while holding your and my feelings, juxtaposed. Arms spread wide for you to feel safe but not wrapped around you in case you want space. Let's celebrate together; this moment we can't waste!
I've been the star of my own show before so I know the crowd's fickleness to be sure; the approval and disapproval is hard to endure, but the validation of your experience, I will not ignore. The applause from within yourself is always worth more.
Sometimes my quill might get a little ruffled, and although I'll have a hard time being muffled, my state of being is patient and caring and I'll return to that even if triggered by your daring.
I handle the hot temperatures and the storms and the behaviors of yours that are outside of norms because I know the wind will always keep blowing and a strong tree next to you is what should be growing.
I might get a little anxious or turn myself inside, but it won't be for long and then peace will reside. I love being around others but prefer them kind and hope that those in my life have a like mind.
I'm in charge of this stage and all it reveals; and I keep the mood steady but allow all the feels because plunges make me deeply clean and shallow waters are best for just a quick preen. Passions are welcome but not the obscene. Let's put on a show, not just make a scene.
My knowledge of all realms is perceptive and keen. I can see everything, all 360 degrees. I keep my hat on for sight and style supreme. I've got wisdom for miles and endless smiles. Can you see?
Come with me, let's dance a little dream. Let's make reality our fantasy and fantasy our reality. A really true family! Cheers to you and me!