Queen of Swords Spell

Born from the City of Steel,
I can give you the truth; I'll keep it real.
I've learned from the cold
what doesn't work: the old.
The new, I'll reveal.

I'll protect you. At all costs.
Forget what doesn't serve me
and forgive my loss.
I'll keep you safe from harm's way
even if there's hell to pay.

High above the city, quiet,
I'll watch and wait for news, turmoil, even a riot.
I'll stand strong, steel and bone
to keep a harbor for you.
Even after you've grown and flown.

Delicate and new, I'll hold you dear
Talk quietly, defend fiercely,
and if you want to, hold you near.
I'll fly the fastest on earth
to fetch you fuel and mirth.
I'll rise above the highest tower
to give you what is your body's power.

I'll not stifle you as you get older
I'll grow warmer through the years, not colder.
All through your ages, I'll be here.
If you need advice, my head is clear.
If you need support, I will revere.

But, I'm not perfect!
This heart's been shattered
then picked up, glued up, but still a little battered...

I'll keep my trauma from being drama.
I'll model what I wish I would have been given...
peace with conflicts, forget what's been forgiven,
unconditional love, deep and unending,
not stubborn, but bending.
If I get a little cold
or yell, ignore, or scold,
Don't worry, I'll fix it. I'll be bold.
I'll apologize, move forward, try harder...
because I'm another mother...
Not the one that kept me under....
I'm one that's being discovered.

I'll use kind voices, kind actions, kind words, all driven
with intention to help, not hinder what's hidden.
I'll bellow your fires if that's your desire
And I'll bucket with water your troubles, dire.
But I'll let you fuck up,
make your mistakes as you must...
I trust.....I trust.....

But, I'll not harm.
I'll not squander
the love you've given,
I'll hold it tightly and honor.
The cycle of smothering mothering is over.
I'll not think of you as my life's do-over.

Fly, little one, up high, high, away if you must
all the way across oceans, away from my bust.
Or, stay here if you wish,
your independence, I'll not squish.
In your choices, I'll trust.

Whatever you decide,
whatever you muse,
I'll know our lives
are separate, but close, not fused.
This, I'll not confuse.
I'll not get it twisted.
On this I'll insist.

You live your life.
I'll live mine.
My love for you will endure
and strengthen with time.