VI of Cups Spell

Trick or treat,
down the street,
finding joy in all I meet,
sadness silences and takes a retreat.

We're picking out pumpkins
with our crushes.
We're choosing our costumes
amid the holiday's rushes.

We're hiding under masks just for the fun,
searching, searching for just the right one.
Nobody gives orders on this night.
We're free to dream and scream,
to forget the fight.

Sisters and cousins are gathering tonight,
slicing up hordes of gourds with all our might.
We're making monstrous faces to scare away fright.
We're toasting seeds no one will eat
and roasting marshmallows that are far too sweet.
We light ours on fire until they're black and burned
and blow them out quickly, wishes well-earned.

All the parents will do whatever we want.
All the adults stay silent, not even a grunt.
They'll open the doors, give us candy, but leave us alone.
They'll behave for once, no matter our tone.

For, it's Samhain, All Hallow's Eve,
and these ghouls, demons, and goblins
are too scared to be seen.
Their masks are FOREVER
and way too obscene.
They’re much too cowardly to convene.

Tonight, let's all band together!
All the Eights in the Nether,
pulling each other out,
into the heavens,
throwing out our confessions,
no longer in doubt.
We'll link arms and gallop through the wind.
We'll feel safe from the sinners,
for we haven't sinned.
We'll remind each other that we're safe, again and again.

We'll run through the yards
yipping and zipping,
tripping and slipping,
as fast as we can.
For it's our night, tonight,
and pure pleasure, our plan.

Scream with me!
Dream with me!
Gleam with me!
Run wild into the black!
Let's dance and prance,
meet and eat,
and never, ever come back.